Monday, June 12, 2006


I forget names and faces, I forget important appointments, I forget class discussions, I forget birthdays, I forget daily routine, I forget movies, plays I see, books I read. I forget my keys, my laptop, my bike, my money... I am sure I forget other things that I can't recall now.
I just have to keep some things in. It's okay that I totally forgot it was Silverstone British GP day today (where Kimi had one second worth of hard luck at the final pit stop I read). But what do I do with my mind when it manages to retain exactly zero of the pre-read chapter I had just finished before leaving for the birthday bash of Di's?
In the unlikely circumstance that a lost soul reads my blog as a prep-reference for ISB, he should know that ISB needs retention more than it does quick grasping. Not many would expect you to figure everything out in a course of 6 weeks, but you're wasting good money if that fraction of the course your intelligence conquered and gloated over during the term break, leaks out by the next term-break.
I remember gulping spoonfuls of Shankhpushpi memory enhancing ayurvedic syrup when in class tenth, to aid memorizing which Indian state produced what crop and minerals. It didn't help then, though enough hard labour did manage to keep the facts mugged long enough. Maybe I should seek help in meditation. But you know how those gurus when putting you in a trance go, "Just let go of your mind and body... forget all your pains and joys" with a sombre voice and a beatific smile...


Anonymous said...

i know that u remember all hindi & english song lyrics
wonder how?

Enakshi said...

I don't think you forget everything..How else do u remember the info in the articles of GLEC that you read, facts of cases for Compstrat...and other small things.
Sometimes, it helps to forget.